Thursday, April 19, 2007

Fables: Wolves by Mark Williamham, Mark Buckingham, Shawn McManus...

Fables: Wolves by Mark Williamham, Mark Buckingham, Shawn McManus, Steve Leialoha, Andrew Pepoy, Lee Loughridge, Daniel Vozzo, Todd Klein, and James Jean.
Published by Vertigo.

I had the funniest idea as a child. I would read a lot of books on mythology. Most of them were giant omnibuses containing myths from around the world. One section of the ancient Greek myths, another on the Roman, another yet on the Chinese...etc. As I would read each book an idea would float through the back of my mind. All these myths are in printed in the same book. Printed on pages that touch each other. I kept imagining that since all the myths were bound onto pages in a book, they could interact. If Apollo flew far enough across the sky in his chariot he would encounter Thor thunderin across the skies in his chariot. Odesseus sailed past Tir Na Og on his voyages. There were extra invisible pages to a book where the differnt characters interact. A hidden dimension we never see. We can catch a glimpse with our imaginations. Maybe a view if we are lucky.
-Jason Arcand

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