Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Pride of Baghdad by Brian K. Vaughan, Nike Henrichon, and Tod Klein

Pride of Baghdad by Brian K. Vaughan, Nike Henrichon, and Tod Klein, Published by Vertigo.
When I read a book, I feel afloat in another world. Yet how much this "journey" effects me is not determined by the number of pages in a book. My Calculus textbook was over a thousand pages, yet I did not feel like I had come back from a grand adventure when I finished it. Nor is resonance determined by the events in a story. If plot and character were enough then only one book would of ever been written. What takes me to another place is the resonance of an artistic work. What is the complexity of a story's symbols. Do these symbols react with the symbols embedded in my personal mythology. Have the memes reached such a density they form landscapes and more complex memes.

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