Thursday, May 10, 2007

Courtney Crumrin and the Night Things by Ted Naifeh

Courtney Crumrin and the Night Things by Ted Naifeh
Published by Oni Press

Momence Junior High had two places for students to wait before school began. You could wait in the gym or in the library. The gym was divided with fifth and sixth graders on one side and seventh and eight graders on the other. The library was for if you had homework to do. I don't know why, but I found the gym overwhelming. It was fine at first, but as school progressed the mass of people and noise began to unnerve me. My heart would race and I'd become uncertain. My anxiety grew as my social difficulties grew with my peers. Like many a nerd before me I retreated to the library.
The library turned out to be pretty cool. Since I was in their everyday, I grew to know the librarian. Mrs. White was the nicest person I ever encountered during my years of education. She treated me with a kindness that still softens my heart. I even got a job in the library. Simple stuff really. Deliver film projectors and televisions from the store room to the proper classroom. I loved that job. Felt like I could do something right.
-Jason Arcand

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